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Wiky Links

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The main website for Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve (WUIR). This website provides information on WUIR, the current Chief and Council and is a resource for members for upcoming events.

Wikwemikong Development Commission (WDC) is the Economic Development Entity owned by WUIR. First Tel is owned by WDC.

One of the nicest golf courses on Manitoulin Island! Owned and operated by the WDC.

The Wikwemikong Heritage Organization is a non-profit organization committed to the preservation and enhancement of Anishinaabeg culture through education and the participatory cultural opportunities with both Native and Non-Native people.

The Waubetek Business Development Corporation is an Aboriginal-owned and controlled organization that delivers business financing and economic development services to First Nations and Aboriginal entrepreneurs in North-Eastern Ontario.

Offers nature-based and cultural tourism from an Aboriginal perspective on beautiful, majestic Manitoulin Island and the Sagamok region of Northeastern Ontario, Canada.

Manitoulin Island's community newspaper, featuring breaking, local, police, and sports news for Manitoulin Island and Northern Ontario.

ISSUU - Big Red Phone Book

Manitoulin Islands infamous big, red large print telephone directory is now available online. Find businesses and people quickly and easily with your favorite telephone book online or in print.